Thursday, February 28, 2013

Where does the time go?

Well, things have been hectic? I don't know, just have been running out of time faster than usual. Anyways, I started work on that treat, I'll be scanning some pictures in the morning hopefully, so I'll be able to work on it more then.

I also still need to figure out the monetizes, so hopefully I'll have time for that as well.
Anywho, night all ^-^/

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


So, as of yesterday, I was approved by Skimlinks to monetize my blog. Thing is, I'm not sure how to get it completely set up. So, I'll work on that later.

I also didn't get to work on that treat for you guys, but I hopefully should have plenty of time today to work on it :3 I hope you guys don't mind the wait ^-^'

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Some Good News

Well then, if you've not noticed, there's a box to the side called "Skimlinks." If you are wondering about who or what Skimlinks is, its a monetizing company, and they accepted me ^-^ I can now get a little bit of cash off this blog, so I'll be able to start saving :3 (As soon as I figure out how to work it >w<)

I also may or may not have a little treat for you guys later, depends on how much time I've got ^-^

Monday, February 25, 2013

New Member to the Team

Well then! It would seem that Gold Wolf Comics has got an unofficial employee :3 I welcome to the team, Silverthorns! ^-^ Now, I'm not sure what he'll be doing just yet, maybe he'll help me with plotting or something lol, like I said, unofficial employee xD

I haven't done much today, logo or plot wise, been doing a lot of stuff. I'll hopefully get more done tomorrow, though I have work so I won't get started until around noon or later. Hopefully all goes well though ^-^

Monday afternoon plans

Ello, how are you on this fine Monday? I'm alright, pretty tired though(maybe I shouldn't stay up so late? ...nah! x3) Anyways, I got my chores out of the way, so I should be able to get more work done on the logo.

I'll probably try to get started on some plotting and character creation of at least one of the comics I have in store, as well as think up one or two more ideas for later. And if not, I'll probably get started on the new background instead.

You guys have any ideas you'd like to loan me? I wouldn't mind some extra brain power, just leave a comment, or contact me anyway you know how ^-^

News of the mixed variety

So! I have some news, not only news, but bad news, and good news! Let's get bad news out of the way first.

Bad news, Adsense doesn't like me QwQ so, I can't start saving to make this company a reality yet. I can however, try again, maybe when I start getting some comics up for you guys to view, then they'll like me more xD

Good news! I may or may not have the logo figured out, but I'll make it later. Its late now anyways, I don't have time to scan/edit/post right now ^-^

I'll see ya guys after a good night's rest ^-^/

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Another not-so Logo update

I drew the picture for the logo, but after a bit of looking at other comic company logos I think I need to stylize it more. Anyways, here's the picture(with out words/initials because I'm debating on the font, and if I want to change it or not.)

Its a basic wolf statuette, and again, I'm going to stylize it more, but this is just the basic form of it. Tell me what you think :3

Logo not-so update

Well, I drew out a few designs for the logo, and I think it'll be alright, but, seeing as I'm a semi-perfectionist, I'll probably want to redo it over and over Dx Anyways, I'm going to try to make it on the computer, but if I can't recreate it properly, I'll go scan the page I drew on(might scan that later anyways to show you guys xD) and edit off of that.

I think you guys might like it ^-^

Quick Sunday Update

Ello again. Well, its Sunday ^-^ I'll probably start working on some pictures for the background and the like. I've alright got an idea of what Gold Wolf Comics' logo is gonna be. More or less, a little golden statuette of a wolf. Yeah, I know, obvious choice xD

Anyways, I've got a few things to do today, so I'll work on that a bit later, I hope you guys will like it though ^-^

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Just getting started

Ello everyone. As you can see from the title, I'm just getting started here. I'll be working on the layout and everything when I can, and hopefully will be updating this blog on a regular basis.

Any feedback on what I should add is appreciated. I will be reading every comment(I'm sending them to my email so I don't miss any <3)