Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Panic! at the Email

Oh. Gosh. I nearly had a panic attack o-o

Yahoo made me change my password last week, I did, but I forgot it! Dx I had my mom's account as a backup but it turns out I misspelled her email (switched two letters on accident), and then the security questions aren't what I sent them to O.o (one was asking where I met my spouse and I'm like, I'm not married o-o) and then apparently I didn't have a gmail account, which I swore I made on as it was another backup, but no. Thankfully, I was about to make a gmail account though and get my password reset o-o;

I need to take a break.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Still slow

Hey everyone, its been about a week since my last post. I'm feeling better, but haven't been able to do much comic wise. I'll see if I can get things rolling again.

Also, Adsense is a no-go right now, so I'll have to wait on that, oh well.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Slow Times

Its been a while since the last post, huh? Welp, its been a long, slow week so far. I haven't gotten much done, as I've not been feeling well. I might of caught a bug or something, my stomach's killing me.

As of this moment, I still don't know what's up with Adsense, but hopefully I can get it sorted out. I'll probably start working with the story my friend is letting me use, since it doesn't need that much work, and would give me plenty of time to work on my other stuff, while still putting stuff out.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Hope Ya Don't Mind

Hey guys, if you look to the side, you'll see a box labeled 'Clickbank.' Its another monetizing company, but I found it easier to work with than Skimlinks. I'm sorry it if bugs you, but its just a temporary deal until I get Adsense.

Hope ya guys still love me <3

EDIT: Never mind, I took it down, gonna work on get Adsense up there >w<

Comic Plot Update

So~ I meant to post about this yesterday, but it was late by the the time I remembered xD Probably some of the best news that's going to be up for a while. We've got Plot! One of my friends is allowing me to use one of his stories for a comic, so I don't have to worry about the storyline ^-^ Just have to get the character designs down and I'll be able to start on a comic for you guys :3

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Nothing much

Eh, slow start to the weekend I guess, didn't get much done company wise ^-^' I did do a bit of drawing, but those were some things for friends that didn't have anything to do with comics. Sorry~

I have some stuff to do tomorrow, but maybe I'll get some free time to do something here. :3