Thursday, January 9, 2014

Apologies (and Page 2!)

Sorry~ I've neglected work on this; partially because of writers block, but that shouldn't of halted production because of how much story that's already writen. Here's page 2, I'll work on the next page as soon as I possibly can.

Click here to go to the comic.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Page One(Finally~)

Sorry for the wait, I've had page one done for a while, but ya know, kept forgetting to post it. I'll try to do better and post more often ^-^

Click Here to go to the comic page

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Finally! (Comic Cover Revealed~)

Finally I have the cover to my new comic uploaded ^-^ Here's the link~

Data and Corruption: Comic 

Tell me what you think :3

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sooner or Later

Just a quick update. I finished drawing page 1 of the new comic, but I think I'll keep it hidden for now. I think I should work on the cover page first, to get you guys interested and to tease~ :3 So I'll start working on that in the morning.

Other than that, I did one or two things to the site, not much, but its something.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Coming Soon!

Well, its been a while. For starters, I'll explain what's up with the thief situation:
  • The guy we had pictures of was not the theif
  • He bought the laptop
  • The thief has been found
  • No word on my laptop or other stuff
  • I don't know when my items will be found/returned

Now, for the true reason of this post. I'm starting up my first comic! ^-^ My trusty unofficial official employee, Silverthorns, is helping me with the story, and I've already started on the first page! I'll probably scan and show the penciled version soon, then get working on an outlined/colored version shortly after ^-^

I also need to work on a cover page, but I'll save that for when I think up something good xD

Monday, April 22, 2013

StupidThief is not Smart

As you all should know. Between 9AM and 12:30PM on Friday, April 19, my house was broken into, and my family was robbed of over $2000, (my mom's saying its closer to $3000.) We lost laptops, games systems, and other things.

My mom's two laptops were safe and locked, mine, unfortunately, was not locked, and had tabs open. On the day of the robbery, I was frantic to change my passwords, although, things like Skype, and Steam, wouldn't lock the thief out unless he logged out.

At around 12:30 AM, the thief got onto my laptop, and began to VIDEO CALL my Skype friends. Knowing my laptop had been stolen(and that I'd never video call), my friends snapped pictures of the thief who was stupid enough to use the webcam. The pictures were sent to me, and I saved them to the computer. I got my mom up, and she called the police while I printed the pictures. An officer came over and took the pictures as evidence, so they now can identify the thief. '

It was the best news, and the happiest I've been, all weekend. My mom took back everything bad she ever thought about my online friends, and then offered to take the ones that sent pics to breakfast, if they'd want to drive 20 hours for it xD

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Girls need to listen

So, yesterday was alright. We are still dealing with the robbery, but my littlest sister had a birthday party planned, so we had it despite being robbed the day before. There were about six girls invited over, plus my two sisters, and guess who had to watch them? Me.

The party was alright. There was a bit of drama between two cousins, resulting in one having to go home, which made me and my other sister upset, because she hadn't done anything, and the other girl is a terrible influence, and I wish she was never invited in the first place. Another thing was, that I had to watch them, and those girls did not listen well.

They were supposed to go to bed at 3, which was generous considering they had to get up at 9. Well, they watched a movie, and were 'asleep' by the time it was over. I went and turned off all the lights and the tv, and headed up to bed. Once I got upstairs to the foyer, the light in the living room turned on. I heard hushed voices quickly tell someone to turn off the light, and the room darkened. I waited and listened to see if they'd sleep. The talking continued so I walked downstairs. I told them that they had to wake up in the morning, and to go to bed. They said they would, and I headed to my room.

I already had trouble sleeping, and had to take pills to get to sleep, but with the recent break in, I'm just too scared to sleep. As I was lying in bed, I started to hear a noise, it sounded like a door being opened and closed. I got up and went downstairs to investigate. Here I find that my sister, and two of her friends, were making food in the kitchen, at 3 AM. I told them to go to bed, and turned of the lights once more.

I finally got to sleep, but woke up around 6 AM. I wasn't feeling well, so I went downstairs. I found that the TV and a light was on. This meant that the girls did not listen to me and watched TV instead of going to bed. I went back to bed then.

My mom woke me around 9-9:30 for church, she felt my forehead though, and found that I was burning up. She let me stay home to rest, since I had helped at the party all night. I ended up sleeping until Noon, when I got up to get breakfast and such.

Later in the day, the neighbor comes over, apparently my sister(and her friends, though she denies it) had made serial letters, and put them in the neighbor's mailbox as a joke. My mom was upset though and grounded her for a month. After all the friends had gone home, my mom was telling everyone to get ready to go, she was taking my sisters to youth, when she noticed my little sister was gone. My mom thought she had run away because she was grounded. We found her a bit later, she claims to have gone to the park in search of her cellphone. My mom was crying however, its been a tough weekend on us.

Keep me and my family in your prayers, we really do need it =(

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Stealing is wrong people!!

I. Am. Never. Leaving. My. House. Again.

Well, today, I had to go to the local High School and take a Work Keys test for a certificate program thingy. I did quite well. I don't have a cell phone, so I had to walk over to an office and borrow the phone to call my mom. Well... the phone call made me cry.

My mom had just gotten home, and discovered that we had been robbed. She said she'd call and have my grandma come pick me up. I went out into the front of the school building, and paced, cried, and prayed in the cold and wind while I waited for my grandma's car to pull up.

She dropped me off at the house, and I ran inside. I saw that my laptop, which had been sitting on a table in the living room, was gone, as well as my 3DS, which I had just bought myself for my birthday. I went to my room to see what else was gone.

Two laptops that my mom owned, a flat screen from my dad's room, remotes to it, my Xbox 360, the controllers, MK vs DC, and Assassin's Creed, 1, 2, Brotherhood, and Revelation(but not 3 for some reason.)

After listing off what was stolen to the police, I found the box to the 3DS and gave the serial number to him. The police man took a look around, and discovered my dad's tv in the backyard, which means the thieves we're jumping the fence, but weren't able to get the tv in time.

The policeman called for someone to check for fingerprints, but no luck. My mom found the box to the 360, so we gave the serial number for that as well.

The police left, and my mom blamed herself for leaving the door open, and we suspect that it might be someone we know, because the dog didn't bark at them, or maybe they brought him snacks. A little later though, my mom was trying to shut and lock the back door, but found it difficult. I gave it a try and discovered that the door had been broken into, meaning they didn't just walk in because we were careless, they broke in.

Well.. either way.. I lost over $1500 dollars worth of stuff($2000~ total for the family.) We bought and replaced a bunch of stuff, but I'm still really upset... and I'm not leaving this house ever again...