Monday, April 22, 2013

StupidThief is not Smart

As you all should know. Between 9AM and 12:30PM on Friday, April 19, my house was broken into, and my family was robbed of over $2000, (my mom's saying its closer to $3000.) We lost laptops, games systems, and other things.

My mom's two laptops were safe and locked, mine, unfortunately, was not locked, and had tabs open. On the day of the robbery, I was frantic to change my passwords, although, things like Skype, and Steam, wouldn't lock the thief out unless he logged out.

At around 12:30 AM, the thief got onto my laptop, and began to VIDEO CALL my Skype friends. Knowing my laptop had been stolen(and that I'd never video call), my friends snapped pictures of the thief who was stupid enough to use the webcam. The pictures were sent to me, and I saved them to the computer. I got my mom up, and she called the police while I printed the pictures. An officer came over and took the pictures as evidence, so they now can identify the thief. '

It was the best news, and the happiest I've been, all weekend. My mom took back everything bad she ever thought about my online friends, and then offered to take the ones that sent pics to breakfast, if they'd want to drive 20 hours for it xD

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